
TESA is an abbreviation for TEsticular Sperm Aspiration.

Sperm taken from the testicle is not yet motile. The ability to swim is acquired in the epididymis when they have left the testicle.
In the testicle, the sperm only need to produce a small amount of energy. This why the level of sperm DNA damage is very low in comparison to ejaculated sperm.

Sperm taken from the testicle and used for ICSI treatment is a very effective fertility treatment when DFI is above 25.

High DFI and fertility treatment using TESA sperm

When DFI is above 25 and cannot be reduced, fertility treatment with TESA sperm is a good and effective treatment. The high DFI in the ejaculated sperm shows that the sperm DNA is fragile and becomes damaged when the sperm acquire the ability to swim in the epididymis. The oxidative production of energy to swimming causes the DNA damage.

Sperm aspirated by TESA will have reduced or be immotile. To avoid stressing the fragile DNA, the subsequent fertilization is done by ICSI treatment. Several scientific publications have shown that this a very effective fertility treatment when the man has a high DFI (>25).

The TESA procedure
TESA is a relative simple technique which can be performed under local anesthetic. The procedure takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes. When the local anesthetic is applied, fluid from the centre of the testicles is aspirated using a thin needle. TESA is a less invasive procedure when compared to other methods such as (TESE og mTESE). The risk of complications is also smaller.